Some COSE DA BOCIA articles designed by MARCANTE – TESTA on show for “MADE IN ITALY. Contemporary poetics”curated by  Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò, at Venaria Reale, 19/03/2016 – 10/07/2016

Italian made. From the Middle Ages to Made in Italy 
The exhibition investigates art production in Italy between the Middle Ages well into the twentieth century and highlights those turning points in history when artistic and technical excellence and innovation came together to create a unique Italian heritage that was easily recognizable and that was soon exported across Europe.

The exhibition sees the participation of major Italian and European institutions, including Victoria and Albert Museum, the Louvre, the Museum of Textiles and Decorative Arts of Lyon, the Museum of Capodimonte, the National Museum of Bargello, and Castello Sforzesco.

Curated by Alessandra Guerrini
Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò for “MADE IN ITALY. Contemporary poetics”
Scientific Committee of experts made up of Vincenzo Abbate, Fulvio Cervini, Marzia Cataldi Gallo, Davide Gasparotto, Guido Guerzoni, Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti, Silvio Leydi, Massimo Negri, Paulus Rainer, Maria Ludovica Rosati, Michele Tomasi, Susanna Zanuso.

